
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Zen circles ensos

When people think about Zen and drawing, Zen circles (Ensos) and drawings in ink are usually the first things that come to mind. But there are many ways to draw the Zen way. The word Zen refers to the state of mind during the drawing process, and not necessarily to a drawing method as such.

There is however a difference between drawing a Zen circle and Zen drawing. When drawing a Zen circle you do not have an example of a circle in front of you, You are asked to draw a circle from memory. If you draw a circle you have to enter your inner world for inspiration. The best way to achieve this is by concentrating and trying to be still. When you feel that the time is right, and your concentration is high, you draw the circle in one single movement. The circle will reflect your concentration and by looking at it, you will probably remember at what point you were ín the moment and at what point you lost concentration because you got distracted.

Take a look at this video and you will see how it works. I love this lady, she is very honest and open about her Zen circle. It looks perfect, but in het openess she tells us wehere she went wrong because she got distracted by her thoughts. It is this openess towards yourself is so important for your own personal growth.

In realistic Zen drawing your drawing can also be seen as a reflection of your concentration. The difference is, that you focus on a object and by focussing and concentrating on that object you will connect with it. Realistic Zen drawing will help you to look at the world without any projections.

Sadly, there are very few videos on the internet about realistic Zen drawing. Maybe one day I will make my own, so keep posted!  But when you look at the videos on this blog, you will have a clear idea of the essence of realistic Zen drawing: finding focus and concentration, a still mind and total committment to the moment.

Take a look at this video about making Zen circles with a broom (!!) and you will see, that you can make extraordinay things just by concentrating and focussing. Have fun watching and trying!

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